Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Monday September 28th

Finally to UAB! We saw a tremendous Dr. by the name of John Rinker. After an exhausting examination, it was ruled out that Joel does not have MS or ALS. That was like a huge weight lifted off our shoulders. What he did diagnose almost knocked me out of the chair. Joel has Parkinson's Disease. It was out of left field. While there is treatment and possibly a cure on the horizon, to see him in pain and to wait for the next appointment is painful to the heart.

He is so upset as am I. His license have expired, and he can't renew his driver's license so he has to get an ID. He wants to get a license, but wearing 50mg of Fentanyl and taking Percocet with a high chance of the Fentanyl having to be raised within the next few weeks, that is not going to happen. I am not him, and I do not know what he is going through, but I do know that I am going through this with him and I know it is a difficult road. We haven't even begun to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

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