Well, I just said bye to the first decade of this century. Not forty minutes ago, I walked through the door from yet another trip to the emergency room with my husband. This last year has been so rough for him and the last decade has really taken its toll. I think of what we've lost....I have buried my mother, mom, a set of grandparents, and mother and father-in-law. I lost both breast to a silent monster. I have battled the "empty nest" syndrome. I suppose I could sit here in the depression that consumes me during this time of year and end this post with the losses, but I can not. In the past decade, I have seen my two children marry. I have proudly sent a healthy, stout, son into the hands of our Armed Forces. I have been blessed with five beautiful, healthy, vibrant, loud, rambunctious, tumbling, throwing, laughing, running, smiling, grandchildren. I have a beautiful daughter who bought her first house, is in her last year of college, and is one of my best friends.
The days pass and we never seem to notice until we realize a decade has gone by. Year by year flashes across our memories. What will the next decade bring? What will the next year bring? I got two years where God allowed me to touch the lives of incredible children. Then, I learned that a chemical imbalance can steal everything away. My career, life changed, spending every day living for the disorder, but God allowing me to live and teaching me tolerance. He allowed me to live through a brush with breast cancer. He keeps me going each day.
One has to wonder if our world will find peace in such a tumultuous time. At the beginning of this decade, I was not aware of terrorists. I knew they existed, but that was something "someone else" dealt with. Soon after the decade began, terrorists were brought to my full attention. They were on my home soil, in my country. the lives of some incredible children. Then, the years melted into each other as the "War on terror" began, and continues.
In this past decade, I saw first hand what Mother Nature was capable of. Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf with Hurricane Rita following close behind. I went to offer assistance, only to realize that when Mother Nature strikes, no amount of assistance can calm the aftermath of her fury. I did not take photographs, for the ones in my minds eye are vivid enough for a lifetime. No one should ever have to see their town or city disappear into the Atlantic Ocean. No one should ever have to feel the helplessness of trying to locate a home when the only thing visible are rooftops. No one should willingly answer the call for help; and have to be escorted by the National Guard to the bathroom for her own safety.
This past decade has taken from me and has given to me. There has been pain so deep I thought I would die, times I wished I could. I saw things I wish I had not seen and things I wish I could see again. I lived, cried, laughed, and learned that even when it seems all has come to an end.....the chips are still going to fall where the fall, I'm still going to come out standing tall, when a friend is in need, I will answer the call, but God will be there to catch me.....most of all.
Happy New Year.......................................and God Bless you all this year and this next decade.
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